Frequently Asked Questions

✦ What do jumping spiders eat?

These spiders are carnivorous and will eat a variety of small insects depending on their size like fruit flies, mealworms, waxworms, fly spikes(larvae), and flies. Beware of hard shelled insects or insects that bite such as beetles or crickets. They may harm your spider.

✦ How long do jumping spiders live?

They can live anywhere from 1-2 years typically. Males can have a slightly shorter life span

✦ How big do they get?

Jumping spiders are small creatures. Only reaching about the size of a quarter

✦ What is an instar?

An instar is a stage in life and tells how many molts a spider has had. An i7 stands for instar7, which means the spider has molted 7 times.

✦ Why has my spider built a thick web/why has it not left its web in several days?

Your spider is most likely preparing for its premolt and molt. During this time it may not leave the web or want food for several days or even weeks. This is normal behavior for jumping spiders, do not worry. Keep misting as normal. If it is an adult female it may be preparing to lay eggs.

✦ Can I house two together?

No. Jumping spiders are cannibalistic and can not be housed together after they reach i4 typically

✦ When is a spider a sling?

A spider is considered a sling (spiderling) from when they hatch until i5. From i5-i8 they are considered juveniles. When regal jumping spider reaches i9 or some times i10 they are subadults. A subadult just means it is the molt right before they are considered mature. The adult stage can vary depending on individual spiders. Some hit adulthood i9-i11. They are considered adults when their repoductive organs are clearly developed.

✦ Do they bite?

They can, but rarely do. Jumping spiders are typically docile spiders. If they do bite it is considered less harmfully significant than a bee sting.

✦ Can I leave a water bowl for my spider?

No. Jumping spiders can easily drown. Make sure only to mist a light mist on an empty side of their enclosure. Big droplets can be especially dangerous to young spiders

✦ Can a female who has not been bred still lay eggs?

Yes. Adult female spiders may lay infertile clutches even if they have never been bred

✦ Are jumping spiders nocturnal?

No. Jumping spiders are diurnal, which means they’re awake during daytime hours. Just like us!

✦ Will my spider always stay the same color?

Not always. After every molt a spider will change its look. Sometimes is very minimal, other times it can be like a whole other spider has emerged. Which is why adult coloration is never guaranteed