Regal Jumping Spider Care Guide
Habitat: Florida Regal Jumping Spiders aka Phidippus regius are small spiders that require an enclosure size that measures at least 4x4x7 inches or slightly larger. A larger enclosure is better as it provides more space for the spider to move around and hunt. Baby spiders will need a smaller enclosure to make sure they are able to find their food adequately.The enclosure should be escape-proof and have a secure lid to prevent the spider from getting out. The enclosure should also have plenty of ventilation holes to allow for air circulation.
Enrichment: Add some branches, hides, decorations, and other climbing materials to the enclosure to give your spider some opportunities for exploration and exercise.
Temperature and humidity: Regal Jumping Spiders prefer temperatures between 72-80°F with humidity levels of around 50-60%. You can achieve this by misting the side of the enclosure daily. If very dry in your area put moss at the bottom of your enclosure and mist that to maintain humidity.
Feeding: These spiders are carnivorous and will eat a variety of small insects depending on their size like fruit flies, mealworms, waxworms, fly spikes(larvae), and flies. Beware of hard shelled insects or insects that bite such as beetles or crickets. They may harm your spider. Offer food to the spider every 3 days for young spiders, and for older jumpers look at their abdomen size to see when they are hungry. Do not overfeed as it may cause your spider to become too large, which may make it difficult to climb, and they may fall and rupture their abdomen. It may also cause spiders to molt too quickly.
Water: You can also mist the side of the enclosure to provide humidity and drinking water. Make sure it is a fine mist, jumping spiders can easily drown. Try not to mist decorations, especially fabric or soft materials, as they may mold. Use bottled water to keep water spots on the side of the enclosure to a minimum.
Molting: Spiders molt several times throughout their life. If your spider has made a thick web and has not come out in a few days your spider is most likely preparing for its premolt and molt. During this time it may not leave the web or want food for several days or even weeks. This is normal behavior for jumping spiders, do not worry. Mist daily near the web so it drink as it likes and to keep humidity up during this time. After it molts it may stay in the web for a few days to harden up. Do not disturb them during this time. They will come out when they are ready
Handling: Some jumping spiders enjoy being handled more than others. Make sure not to handle them too high at first as they may jump and can injure themselves. Have a capture cup close by just in case. To gain trust try to let your spider explore and come to you. If you need to move your spider you may use a soft paintbrush to scoot them softly in a direction.
Whether you enjoy handling your jumping spider or just enjoy observing them from afar, they are fantastic little creature that are sure to bring a bit of happiness to you day
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